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LR publishes Future IMO and ILO Legislation Autumn 2022 report

Posted on: 1 November 2022

Llyod’s Register has published its Future IMO and ILO Legislation Autumn 2022 report. This publication provides an overview of proposed and agreed upcoming changes to mandatory statutory regulations and instruments, including those still phasing in.

New approvals or adoptions:
IMO has approved the new SOLAS Chapter XV and mandatory Code addressing safety standards for the carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel (IP Code), with adoption expected at MSC 106.

IMO has adopted amendments to SOLAS chapters II-1, III, IV and V, Certificates and Records of Equipment (requirements of the GMDSS) and the consequential amendments to associated IMO instruments.

Guidelines supporting EEXI and CII were adopted at MEPC 78.
​​Significant new items being considered or milestones in ongoing developments:
The revision of IMO Greenhouse Gas Strategy will be considered at MEPC 80 in summer 2023.

IMO agreed to the development of a non-mandatory goal-based maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Code, which will become effective from 1 January 2024, as an interim measure prior to the adoption of a mandatory code, expected to enter force 1 January 2028.
More LR briefings, including those from IMO meetings, are available at

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